THE Impact
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Times Higher Education introduced the Impact ranking in 2017 to assess universities against the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs lie in the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, which lays the groundwork for peace and porsperity for people and the planet, for the present and the future. A total of 17 SDGs, aimed at ending poverty and other deprivations, reducing inequality, improving health and education, combating climate change and preserving nature.
THE Impact, for each of SDGs, is built around indicators acroos three broad areas: research, outreach and stewardship.
METU participates in the THE Impact Ranking since 2019, and ranked between 201-300 band in 2020 among 785 universities from85 countries.
For more information about United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals please visit:
For detailed information about THE Impact Ranking, methodology and results please visit:!/page/0/length/25/s...